Tag Archives Etsy

DIY Bracelet: Cross Style Chain Woven Bracelet

DIY Bracelet: Cross Style Chain Woven Bracelet

Another DIY bracelet using chain and suede? Yes, that’s right this is the 4th one in the series and I  still have lots of ideas on how to create new patterns and styles. This DIY bracelet binds to pieces of chain together by doing a variation of the simple shoe lace cross. Materials needed: – About 14 inches / 36 cm chain . I’m using 10×7 mm size chain. – about 21 inches / 54…


DIY Bracelet: Suede and Chain Woven Bracelet

DIY Bracelet: Suede and Chain Woven Bracelet

Part 3: Suede and Chain Woven Bracelet Tutorial Here it is! The part 3 in my woven chain bracelet series! So in this week’s tutorial, there are 2 variations to this bracelet, both using exactly the same simple wrapping technique!  One look creates a chevron style pattern, while the other will create a diagonal stitch pattern. If you haven’t already,  make sure you subscribe so you won’t miss the upcoming tutorials for my suede and chain woven…


DIY Bracelet: Suede Woven Chain Bracelet (Part 2)

DIY Bracelet: Suede Woven Chain Bracelet (Part 2)

Suede Woven Chain Bracelet DIY Part 2 What I love most about chain woven bracelets are the many different looks that can be created. In fact, there are so many ways,  I’ve decided to do a whole series of tutorials on them!  So make sure you subscribe so you won’t miss the upcoming tutorials! In my original chain woven bracelet tutorial, I demonstrated the most simple pattern of weaving the suede lace.  In this tutorial, I’ll…


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