Tag Archives hair

My Viviscal Hair Journey

My Viviscal Hair Journey

I’ve tried all sorts of things to achieve fuller hair, from uncomfortable extensions to hiding my fine hair through curling and backcombing. None have really solved the problem the way Viviscal has. My hair growth journey with Viviscal Extra Strength vitamin supplements and the Gorgeous Growth range products.


Beauty SOS: How to Turn Damaged Hair to Healthy Hair

Beauty SOS: How to Turn Damaged Hair to Healthy Hair

I love having fun with my hair. I love styling my hair, colouring my hair, and teasing it for volume and all sorts of creative things that actually cause my hair to suffer a lot. And after all the sun, salt water, and chlorine of summer, I’ve had to put my hair on a serious damage control regime. My hair was starting to looking like a  haystack with dry, brittle ends, and a straw-like texture…


Hair Repair with Infusium23

Hair Repair with Infusium23

I think it goes without saying that we all want healthier, shinier and more beautiful hair. If you’re anything like me, you probably put your hair through a lot. Between frequent color changes, daily heat styling, wear and tear from brushing and washing, I have to admit my hair is in a less than ideal condition. Check out my experience with Infusium23 and their hair repair products…


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