Tag Archives inspiration

15 Super Chic Ikea Hacks

15 Super Chic Ikea Hacks

With our up coming move in December, I’m super excited to get decorating in our new place. One of the things I love about Ikea furniture is its simplicity and clean lines. It makes a perfect canvas for personalizing your furniture pieces to make them all your own with a little bit of creativity and flare. So for this post, I’ve put together a roundup of some of my favorite Ikea hacks to share with…


DIY Roundup: Best DIY Fashion Blogs

DIY Roundup: Best DIY Fashion Blogs

DIY is about creativity and inspiration, so for this DIY roundup edition, I’ve compiled a collection of my personal favorite fashion DIY blogs from around the blogosphere. These are the blogs that inspire me,  get my creativity juices going, and get me into crafting mode. I’ve also included some of my favorite tutorials from each of them so you can get an inkling of their genius at work! (They’re really in no particular order, I…


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