Tag Archives design

Giveaway with Happy Maps

Giveaway with Happy Maps

I love to travel, but there really is no place like home. And for me that’s Toronto! What if you could capture the memories of your favorite place in a beautiful reminder that hangs on your wall? Well, that’s exactly what Happy Maps does. And I’ve teamed up with them to do a giveaway so you can win your own personalized map art print!


Beauty DIY: Abstract Needle Drag Nail Art

Beauty DIY: Abstract Needle Drag Nail Art

  Abstract Needle Drag Nail Art So what do you think of this abstract design? After seeing some gorgeous needle drag designs on Pinterest lately, and I thought it was about time that I try it out. It didn’t work out exactly as planned since this was my first attempt,  but I’m still happy with this abstract design I created.  This nail art is super easy to do, (like all the nail art I do…


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