Tag Archives how to

20 Handmade Gift Ideas Everyone Will Love

20 Handmade Gift Ideas Everyone Will Love

Handmade gift ideas for everyone on your list! Whether you’re new to crafting or a DIY pro, these DIY gift ideas are a sure way to show that you care with a personalized touch.


Best Hair Oils for Healthy Hair from Root to Tip

Best Hair Oils for Healthy Hair from Root to Tip

Unlock the secret to luscious locks! In this post I’m sharing some background on hair oiling, how to oil your hair, as well as some the best hair oils that I’ve discovered!


5 Ways to Create A Cozy Home

5 Ways to Create A Cozy Home

As the temperatures start dropping, we’re all thinking of ways to make our home more cozy and homey. In this post I’m sharing some easy tips on how to make your home more cozy that won’t break the bank.


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