Tag Archives Paint

A Bright Idea to Save a Chipped Manicure!

A Bright Idea to Save a Chipped Manicure!

Murphy’s law always applies to me – so of course I chip my freshly mani’d nails a few hours before I go out. But instead of starting from scratch, I’ve decided to build on what I have.  One little chip shouldn’t have to ruin all my nails.  So let’s save that chipped manicure and do a little easy nail art while we’re at it. How to save a chipped manicure Start off by applying a…


Nail DIY: Easy Nail Art – Hearts & Stripes

Nail DIY: Easy Nail Art – Hearts & Stripes

I’ve been getting so many compliments on my nails that I thought it would be fun to share how I did this look. It’s simple to do, all you need is 2 colors of nail polish, a thin brush, and some nail stickers (not necessary). Just follow these easy steps. Paint your thumb, middle finger and pinky the dark pink color – 2 coats. Paint your index and ring finger a pale pink color –…


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