Tag Archives rings

DIY Wire Heart Ring

DIY Wire Heart Ring

I’m officially obsessed with wire rings! I bought a spool of wire last week and I haven’t stopped making these dainty creations. So today, I’ll show you how I made this adorable DIY wire heart ring. It’s a pretty simple DIY and should take you about 10 minutes to do. Once you get the hang of working with wire, you can make all sorts of fun wire jewelry! If you like DIY jewelry tutorials, make…


DIY Roundup: 7 Fun and Easy DIY Ring Tutorials

DIY Roundup: 7 Fun and Easy DIY Ring Tutorials

I’ve been so accessory obsessed lately, especially for rings!!  So this month’s crafty DIY roundup is all about rings!  Here are 7 of my favorite DIY ring tutorials  for some Sunday funday craft time. Enjoy 🙂 1. The Glitter Ring Who doesn’t love little bit of glitter?  I love buying glitter, but I never know what to do with it.  This tutorial shows you create a fun bling statement ring with a bit of glitter,…


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