Tag Archives wellness tips

Body Positivity and Social Media

Body Positivity and Social Media

With May being Mental Health Awareness month I thought I’d talk a little bit about body image and social media. And share a few tips that have helped keep me grounded.


Overthinking: Why We Do it and How to Stop it
Overthinking: Why We Do it and How to Stop it

Overthinking: Why We Do it and How to Stop it

Your thoughts are a powerful thing. They’re are the seed that becomes your reality. But when you’re overthinking, it can effect your well being and mental health. Here are 6 actionable strategies to help you manage your thoughts.


7 Ways to Deal with Anxiety & Stress Naturally

7 Ways to Deal with Anxiety & Stress Naturally

With everything that’s going on in the world right now, it’s only fair to feel stressed and anxious. In this post. I share some helpful methods I use to deal with anxiety naturally and help maintain positive mindset.


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