Tag Archives fun

DIY Roundup: 10 Summer DIY Fashion Projects

DIY Roundup: 10 Summer DIY Fashion Projects

Just buying clothes means you’ll have the just same clothes as everyone else. So why not be original and add a little of your own personal style with a little DIY fun? I’m sharing some of my favorite summer DIY fashion projects for clothes, shoes, accessories and more!


Day Hiking Essentials

Day Hiking Essentials

Hiking is one of my favourite outdoor things to do. It’s a great way to stay fit, escape the city, and refresh your mind. Read on for some of my top day hiking essentials to keep you happy & safe on your outdoor adventure


Tropical Escape – Winter Vacation

Tropical Escape – Winter Vacation

As my first winter in Toronto began, I was is total awe of how cold it could get. I suppose I will always be a west coast girl at heart, and these freezing temperatures were a difficult adjustment. When me and my fiancée saw the opportunity to make an escape to some sunnier skies and warmer temperatures, we took it. We made some last minute plans for a getaway to Fort Lauderdale and cruised the…


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