Some people seem to be born with a good work ethic. They can put their mind to what ever they want, commit to work hard and just get the job done. I, on the other hand, had to learn this the old fashion way. Grinding it day-in, day-out, turning practice into habit, and habit into second nature. Growing up, I had breezed through life on my natural abilities doing as little work a possible. And for a long time, this approach worked. Until one day it dawned on me, I was potentially selling myself short of everything I truly wanted in life. I realized could only get so far just cruising my way through life. Like they say, good is the enemy of great. And that’s what my life was, it was good, but not great.. not yet.
For me to get where I am today, it took a lot of growing up, applying myself, and discovering what I really wanted in life. And by no means have I figured it out at all. But I think at least I can say, I feel like I’m on the right path. So today I thought I’d share a little bit of my journey with you along with some of my personal tips to developing a better work ethic.
Outfit Details:
Top: White button detail sweater c/o Shein
Bottom: Frilled tie waist plaid pants c/o Shein
Shoes: Block heeled sock boots c/o Shein
Accessories: Newsboy cap from Amazon
Jewelry: Stella toggle necklace c/o Brook & York
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Tips on Developing Your Work Ethic
Find What Drives You
Being motivated is a key aspect to the outcome of your work ethic. This means setting goals to work towards. And one thing that worked for me was painting the picture of the ideal life I wanted. Having something to look forward helped to motivate me a great deal and continually encouraged me to keep moving forward. And this is the easy, fun part, so enjoy it. It’s always great to daydream about the things you want, but once you know what you want, it’s time to commit to them and that’s when real life starts setting in.
Developing Self-Discipline
Now you know what you want, you have to do the time and grind. I found that discipline is a whole lot easier while you’re in school or work and have someone else is keeping you in line. But if you can keep yourself in line, it’s one of the most valuable life lessons you’ll learn. Self discipline is a true commitment to yourself. It’s making a promise to yourself and keeping it. And it takes practice, and a lot of it. And you may fail first, feel discouraged, and want to give up. I know I did, but once it becomes it habit, it starts to actually feel pretty good. Self discipline is what will keep you going when you want to stop, when your motivation fades, and your goals seem far away. It’s what will keep you moving forward one step at a time.
Celebrate the Milestones
All work and no play is no way to live your life either. It’s important to celebrate wins and starting with the small ones, especially in the beginning. I remember the first time I woke up early at 6am and completed my full morning routine for a whole week. Keep in mind, I was not a morning person at all, (but now I am!) So this was a small win for me and I acknowledged that. I used to find it so easy to berate myself whenever I misstep and make a mistake, and I use to hardly celebrate my accomplishments. And when I started to do so, it really made a big difference for me.
Enjoy the Journey
Forever chasing goals will never leave you happy. So know that the journey is part of the process too. I try make sure to take joy in whatever I’m doing and find meaning in the work that I do. On a day to day basis, I remind myself how far I’ve come, the path that I’m on, and the meaning behind it. And I find this greatly helps me continue to chip away at my goals everyday.
Just remember, with time and practice everything becomes easier. And developing your work ethic is no easy task. It takes finding your motivation and drive, developing your discipline and commitment, and then doing it iteratively on a daily basis. And the pay off is worth it. At the end of the day, you can can always be proud to look back know that you’ve put in your best effort to make the most of each day to work towards your goals.
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Arobi Anjel
October 5, 2018Very nice photo shoot. I like this your work. thanks for sharing
October 26, 2018Thank you so much!