Getting healthy naturally is something that’s on everyone’s radars these days, whether its shedding that winter weight or being more mindful of what you’re eating.
But improving your health doesn’t have to mean overhauling your entire lifestyle and turning your life upside down in the name of good health.
Taking care of your body boils down to making good choices every day that end up becoming big benefits over time.
Lifestyle changes for better health don’t always mean you need to go on a strict diet, exercise for hours, or change your entire life. To reap the benefits of healthy choices, sometimes all it takes is a few simple changes for better health.
Little changes can equal big results. And these 12 simple everyday moves will keep you feeling great without a lot of effort. They’re quick-and-easy fixes to your daily health regimen can make a huge difference in the way you feel.
So keep reading and try a few of these small health tips out every week, before you know it you’ll be living a healthier lifestyle.
12 Easy Tips to Improve Your Health
Health Tip #1: Drink more water
Our body is 90% water and needs water for almost every function. Being dehydrated can negatively impact everything from your mental focus to energy and metabolism.
Many of the aches, pains, and simple ailments we experience wouldn’t bother us as much if we just drank more water. Drinking more water will greatly enhance your digestion‚ nutrient absorption‚ skin hydration and detoxification, as well as many other aspects of your health.
One trick I use to help me stay hydrated a smart water bottle from Hidrate. It lights up to remind me to drink and also tracks my water intake on my phone so I always know if I’m getting enough water or not.
Health Tip #2: Get plenty of sleep
Sleep plays a vital role in good health and well-being. Getting enough quality sleep can help protect your mental and physical health, as well as your quality of life.
Try to develop a bedtime ritual that actually serves you. If you’re having trouble falling asleep try cutting out stimulants such as alcohol or caffeine, especially in the hours directly before you go to bed. Try avoiding screens like your phone and the TV at least an hour before bed too.
Use this time to integrate self-care practices like meditation, journalling, a bath, or a calming skin-care routine instead. You’ll sleep easier and wake up refreshed the next day.
Health Tip #3: Don’t skip breakfast
Your mother was right: breakfast really is the most important meal of the day! Your body needs good quality fuel to wake up your metabolism so always start the day with a good breakfast.
When you have a wholesome breakfast you will burn more calories throughout the day and it also prevents you from getting that lull in the morning when your body is running on empty.
Having a filling breakfast that will provide lots of energy will set you up for your day ahead. Some easy breakfast ideas that are my go to’s are porridge with berries, or a poached egg with avocado or smoked salmon. My have a whole post here with 12 low sugar breakfast recipes that are easy and tasty!
Health Tip #4: Exercise to get that blood flowing
Regular exercise is necessary for basic physical fitness and good health. Exercise helps reduces the risk of heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes and other diseases. It can improve your appearance and delay the aging process. Working out and getting a good sweat also releases endorphins, which can turn around the worst of moods as well.
The hardest part of working out is getting started! One trick I use to schedule my workouts into my calendar. Once you’ve scheduled your workout, make it a consistent, non-negotiable date with yourself and keep it.
Fitness classes are great because you can schedule them in ahead of time, I use Classpass myself, and it give me access to a range of workout classes for a monthly fee. Many charge a cancellation fee, which can help hold you accountable too! Inviting a friend to join you for your workout also adds another layer of accountability.
Health Tip #5: Eat more greens
One of the best things you can do for your health is to eat more greens! Whether it’s spinach, kale, swiss chard, arugula, broccoli or bok choy your skin will thank you, your mood will thank you and your our digestion will thank you.
Every single part of your body will thank you when you eat more greens. Next time you’re out, try opting for a salad instead of fries, or ask for extra vegetables in replace of potatoes. If you are cooking at home, there are lots of recipes online full of greens that inspire you, just do a quick search or take a scroll through Pinterest.
Health Tip #6 – Eat more healthy fats
Most people have been trained to choose low-fat foods over high-fat foods. Fat has always been positioned as a dietary enemy, so it’s no wonder it can get totally confusing when doctors and dietitians sing the praises of what they call healthy fats.
Upping your healthy fat consumption can help fight depression, improve your cognitive function, strengthen your bones and decrease your risk of disease (just to name a few). My favorite healthy fat sources are avocado, eggs, olive oil, coconut oil, fish and nut butters.
Health Tip #7: Up your fibre intake
How does your house smell when you forget to take the trash out for a few days? This is exactly how your body feels when you, ahem, forget to take your own trash out. Fibre is imperative to keep things moving along our digestive tract and into “elimination station.” Up your fibre intake with things like ground flax seed, beans, raspberries, almonds, and kale.
Health Tip #8: Spend time outdoors
A number of studies have illustrated that people are healthier in greener places. Being in contact with nature improves your mental health, so instead of sitting at your desk for lunch, take this time to get outside and reap the benefits. Most cities and towns have at least some green space, whether it’s a park or trails. Do a workout with a friend or plan a picnic, or go on a hike. It’s free and you’ll de-stress with social time and exercise all at the same time. And hey, if you really want to maximize your outdoor experience, plan a camping weekend to explore a national park.
Health Tip #9: Take 5 minutes to de-stress.
Just five minutes can make a world of difference. Try developing a meditation practice—all you need is a quiet place and a chair or floor. Minimize distractions, get comfortable, and sit quietly for five minutes. Focus on your breath and breath slowly in and out of your nose. When your mind begins to wander, bring your focus back to your breath.
If you need a little guidance try using a free app like Calm to guide you. Not so into meditation? No problem. Try taking a 5 minute nap or simply dishing out an act of kindness. My personal favorite pampering myself with my own spa day at home.
Health Tip #10: Practice gratitude
Being grateful forces you to shift your focus from the bad to the good and wonderful. Gratitude has been scientifically proven to improve relationships, self-esteem, mental health, and even sleep.
A gratitude practice can change your life. Get started by committing to a consistent time (like during your bedtime ritual). Cozy up with a pen and paper, or even a gratitude journal. Think, “I am grateful for…” and just start writing. Let it flow.
Depending on the day, you may not be able to think of anything right away, so give it time. Keep this going day-after-day and you’ll find a lot of negative emotions like fear, anxiety, anger, and depression become harder to feel when you are practicing gratitude.
If you’re not feeling very motivated, getting a gratitude journal like the 5 minute journal helps to make it easier with prompts to help you get started. And also check out the daily 8 Morning Journal Prompts I personally do myself!
Health Tip #11: Get together with a friend
Sometimes when the going gets tough, we tend to isolate ourselves. But there’s nothing like a good chat with a friend to reduce stress and increase our feeling of belonging.
Make it a priority to connect with at least one friend every week and while you’re at it, reminisce of some good times (or have some new ones) and have a good laugh.
Laughing can help to boost blood flow by more than 20% and researchers say it may reduce the risk of developing heart disease. Laughing can also help to fight infections, relieve hay fever, ease pain and control diabetes.
Health Tip #12: Keep a positive outlook
Having an optimistic outlook on life can actually help you to live longer. Researchers have found that optimistic people slashed their risk of early death by 50 per cent compared to those who were pessimistic.
Thinking positively lessens your chances of worrying and reduces stress – lessening your chances of getting a physical and mental illness.
What do you do every day to feel your best?
Let me know in the comments below!
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July 14, 2023Opting for a Mediterranean diet, which includes Spanish foods, can be a healthy choice. With its emphasis on fresh fruits, vegetables, olive oil, and seafood, it offers a flavorful and nutritious way to maintain a balanced lifestyle.
January 20, 2023I absolutely love all of these! Which one do you find most impactful?
February 7, 2023Thank you! Definitely sleep and gratitude are more impactful for me!
January 18, 2023I love these health-conscious tips, babe! Thank you for sharing with us and hope you’re having a lovely start to 2023!
I’ve got a new post up, hope you’ll swing by!
February 7, 2023Thanks Ashley!
January 15, 2023Yes loving all these tips babe
shy –
February 7, 2023Thank you Shianne!
Michelle L
January 14, 2023Great tips and reminders for a healthier 2023!
February 7, 2023Thanks so much Michelle!
Emily zielsinski
March 14, 2020Great tips, most of these were on my New Years resolution list! Especially to drink more water and get enough sleep.
March 14, 2020Thanks Emily! That’s amazing, hope you’re keeping up with it! 🙂
Shirley Eliza Martinez
June 5, 2017Thanks for the list. Sometimes you just need to be reminded of the things that help you stay healthy
Terri Ramsey Beavers
June 5, 2017Thank you for the amazing list, I need to print it out. I’m the worlds worst at skipping breakfast and it’s because I don’t want to take the time to fix one. I have to turn that around.
Jennifer G
June 5, 2017AMAZING tips to improve your health! I could certainly use many of these. Drinking water is possibly the only one I have down pat.
Sarah Bailey
June 4, 2017These are some great tips, I have to admit that water is most definitely one of my downfalls I am awful at keeping drinking it throughout the day.
Jessica Collazo
March 14, 2020Well I love to drink plenty of water but I fail on getting a good night sleep I have insomnia but water I love it
Rebecca Swenor
June 4, 2017These are great tips on improving your health. It is so important to drink plenty of water and to get enough sleep. Taking time for yourself each day is something everyone should do too. Thanks for sharing these tips.
June 3, 2017I would like to get outside more. I get cooped up in the house for sometimes days at a time. I think getting outside more would really help my health.
rika agustini
June 3, 2017Sleep is very important to me. I need to get at least 8 hours of sleep every night. Water and vegetables are helpful too!
Ayushi Arora
June 3, 2017I think everything you told is so important, my idea to de stress is reading a novel. A movie goes on in the mind, I never really think of the negatives then. Exercising is something I am not regular at but I am trying to do so.
David Elliott
June 3, 2017Gratitude and distressing are so important. These are all necessary things in life. Although some things like exercising that you also mentioned help with that. I have been told centering yourself and figuring how to stay present is big too.
June 3, 2017Getting proper sleep is so important. I am guilty of not letting myself get enough sleep by staying up late and getting up early and I do pay for it.
Heather @ Kraus House Mom
June 2, 2017I need way more of numbers 1,2 and 4 in my life. It’s a struggle right now, but I keep trying.
June 2, 2017I need to get better about getting more sleep. I don’t know why but I have been sleeping terribly lately.
Claudia Krusch
June 2, 2017I have been trying to eat healthier and drink more water every day. I got a fitness tracker to keep track of my efforts.
Katie Kinsley
June 2, 2017I am exercising more and drinking more water, but I jut don’t feel like I’m improving. I feel like I have to double my efforts.
Danik Bates
June 2, 2017I am a fitness freak so I am doing all the above. But too much fibre (and I am not the only one to say this), will make you go to the toilet more often as it clears out your stomach 😀
Natasha Nicholes
June 2, 2017Improving my health started with actually getting sleep. I was team #nosleep for a bit of time, even though I LOVED naps. I felt the only way to accomplish my goals was to not sleep so that I could work through them all. What happened was I was no good to anyone during my waking hours, and I got super crabby. Glad to get 8 full hours now, AND I’ve started to get up earlier than I used to!
Mimi "MimiCuteLips" Green
June 2, 2017I’ve been working on a lot of these things and I see a change. I’m in a daily step war with my girlfriends so I’m exercising. I’m doing it outside so I’m getting fresh air and drinking more water. I have bed time reminders so I’m trying to get a respectable amount of sleep each night.
Alli Smith
June 2, 2017I believe a positive state of mind definitely helps us on our journey to good health. All of these are wonderful ways to get healthy and stay that way.