6 life lessons to remember when lockdown ends.
As of today, I’ve officially lived a full year in lockdown. It’s been quite the year of ups and downs with challenges I could have never imagined. I’m sure I’m not alone when I say it’s been an emotional rollercoaster, and even today it’s hard to say what the future holds.
I still remember the last day I went into work at the office. I didn’t think much of the busyness of the financial district as I picked up lunch from the concourse foodcourt before stepping back into a crowded elevator back up to the office on the 20th floor.
Later in the afternoon, I stood with my colleagues in the reception lobby as we watched a news announcement from our Prime Minister. The air felt thick with uncertainty as I packed up at the end of the day. In that moment, I had no idea it would have gone on for this long.
Now one year later, I feel like I’ve had to relearn how to live almost my whole life. Almost everything is different or at least feels different. In some ways good and some not so good. But if anything, it’s allow me to grow and face challenges, and I would say make me a better person for it.
So today, on my one year anniversary of lockdown, I thought I would share some of the life lessons I’ve learned over the last 365 days.
Life Lessons from a
Year in Lockdown
1. Live in the now
There is no day like today. Living in the now is probably one of the biggest life lessons I’ve learned. Don’t let your mind dwell on the past, or ruminate on the future. Being present and enjoying the moments your have right now are what will make you happy.
During the first few months of lockdown, I longed for the past where I could go out with my friends or travel on vacation. Or I’d spend time thinking of when things would go back to normal in the future.
But what I didn’t know was the time was this was a gift to me. In the coming months, my dog would pass and being home all the time allowed me to spent the most of what remaining time I could with her.
We had the best summer together, went on daily walks in the neighbourhood and spent every day together. I feel so lucky to have been able to spend all this time with her. And only wish I had been more present during this time instead of worrying about the past and the future.
2. Life is precious
If there’s one thing that COVID has taught us all, is how precious life is. Millions of lives have been loss from COVID. Along with the loss of my dog, our family had other significant losses as well. And this it’s really made me re-think my priorities and remember how precious life is.
It has been a reminder to appreciate the smaller things in life – the things I often take for granted. I’m so grateful for my family and friends. Being able to having phone calls with love ones, and sharing a laugh with friends over text. There are so many little moments that make life so worthwhile and precious.
3. It’s okay to be not okay
Some days are good and some days aren’t. And that’s okay. I had a lot of uncertain days in the beginning, and again when we went into lockdown for the second time.
And it’s okay not to know what the future holds, and it’s okay not to feel your best. Sometimes you just need ride through your emotions.
I remind myself that when times are tough, that these too will pass.
Having bad days doesn’t doesn’t mean you’re failing. And it doesn’t say anything about how things will be tomorrow. Try to find the positive and the good around you. And there will be better days again, and it’s okay to have bad days too.
4. Perspective is a beautiful thing
As cheesy as it is, is the glass half empty or half full expression is really quite true. How you look at the situation, really affects how you feel about it as well.
We all have a choice in how we view the world. The truth is, it’s never the situation that’s at fault. It’s the way we choose to view it.
The funny thing about perspective is that it often comes in hindsight. But if you can learn how to look at situations objectively, you can find the beauty in life and live it in the moment.
5. Most problems only exist in your head
With the extra time on my hands, I’ll admit I spent a lot of time overthinking things and creating bigger problems out of things that were pretty minute.
Most problems are not real. They’re just projections of the mind, but it’s easy to get lost down this rabbit hole. These are challenging situations for sure, but they are not problems. They only become problems when your mind gets involved.
I’ve found that journalling and meditation has really helped me with this. And now I maintain both a daily practice of both to help me keep my mind in check.
6. What you think about yourself is most important
This was probably one of the most important lessons from lockdown I’ve learned. Being a blogger and content creator I often feel judged by my likes, following or comments people make. But spending more time alone in lockdown has taught me that what I think about myself is most important. It helped reduced the noise of what was going on around me and let me focus on me.
As I spent more time with myself, I realized I needed to love myself a whole lot more. I began create boundaries which allowed me to have more courage and confidence in myself. And at the end of the day I just liked myself a whole lot better.
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I think we’ve all grown so much in this past year. It’s been such a year of change and new experiences. I’d love to hear the lessons from lockdown you’ve learned in the comments below!
March 3, 2021I think this truly was a year based on what we’ve taken out of it, could be good or bad. I’ve certainly learnt the live for the moment thing and am still regretting on all the trips and chances I’ve found excuses not to take since I’ve believed I’ll have a lifetime to do them.
March 3, 2021You’re so right about that! The past year is really what we’ve made it!
March 3, 2021A great post! Who could have imagined the kind of year we would have, the friendships that would change, the challenges we faced. I hope you’ll be out of this soon 🙂
March 3, 2021Thanks Natalia! It has been an eye opening year for sure! Hope you’ve been keeping safe and healthy!
March 1, 2021Insane that it’s been a year already. Appreciating the little things in life for sure. Have a great day!
xx- Nina
March 3, 2021It really went by so fast! Have a great rest of the week!
March 1, 2021I completely agree with all of this!
Curated By Jennifer
March 3, 2021Thanks so much Jennifer!
February 28, 2021This article really touched my heart. It’s true, most of the problems are only inside our head, and we have to fight against them to don’t let them take the best of ourselves. I have passed this year giving more importance to my priorities and spending more time with my loved ones. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and your inner light. Wish you the best 🙂
xx Dasynka
March 3, 2021Thank you Dasynka! Making more time to spend with loved ones is so important!
February 28, 2021I can’t believe you’ve been in lockdown for a year, that must be so difficult! We are very lucky here that they slowed down travel and they setup border controls so that it was harder for the virus to get in, and we haven’t spent a lot of time in lockdown. It’s good there have been some positives to it for you but I hope that it is lifted soon! Life is almost back to normal here although we don’t travel far as we are worried about the borders that can suddenly close, haha!
Hope that you had a nice weekend 🙂 It was a bit hot and humid here but we still managed to get out to the park 🙂
March 3, 2021Oh you’re so lucky! Glad to hear that you can go about pretty normally mostly. Hope you have a great week as well!
Anya Dryagina
February 27, 2021This time really taught us a lot. I began to appreciate simple moments and small joys more
February 28, 2021Agreed! Small joys are wonderful thing!
Christine Kong
February 27, 2021I can’t believe it’s been a year already so crazy! With all the bad, I agree, there has been plenty good. I personally am cherishing these moments with my kids. Never will we get this much time again ever so I am loving that. Plus all the downtime to focus on health and fitness. Thanks for sharing.
February 27, 2021It honestly went by so fast! I’m glad to hear you so much good came out of this year for you!
February 27, 2021It’s crazy how time flies! I’m about two weeks short of my full year of working from home. I’d say what I’ve really learned is to appreciate what I have. I haven’t really been “hit” too badly by COVID in terms of my general day to day / my job and the people around me, so I feel extremely blessed about that! It has definitely given me some renewed perspective.
February 27, 2021It hard to believe a whole year has gone by! Appreciating what you have is such a great lesson!